

In Memoriam

J akovich (Frank):
25.4.1942 - 28.2.2016 One year has passed since we said our heartbreaking goodbyes. Death changes everything. Time changes nothing. We miss your unconditional love, smile, laugh, voice, energy, charisma and original personality. We remember the good times, our special family bond and the heartfelt way you always took care of us. You are forever in our hearts, minds and lives until me meet again. We love you more than words can say. R.I.P. Dad assured we are following in your footsteps, traditions and morals.
Love your daughters Mary, Frances, Kristina, sons-in-law Lucio, Frank, Ivan and your grandchildren Jessica, Matthew, Joshua, Stipo, Adriana and Ela

Published 28th Feb, 2017
ID: 3458913