

Funeral Notice

SPRINGER: Peter Mathew 17.12.1949 - 20.06.2015 The bony body of Peter Bloody Springer has been bequeathed to The University Of Western Australia for medical research purposes. Later, any further remains will be cremated and the ashes will be pressed into a new release vinyl recording which will be TV advertised under the K-Tel label and called "The World's Worst 20 Comedy Tracks". Available now at your favourite record store for just $4.99. You can "Take the mickey out of Peter" at the Charles Hotel, on FRIDAY (26.6.15) at 4pm where the drinks and food will be on Peter at 33.33 rpm until the money and music runs out. Please Bring A Donation For Cancer Research. Official donor envelopes provided. Remember to always drink alcohol responsibly, but you can severely abuse your liver, just this once, and just don't smoke!

Published 23rd Jun, 2015
ID: 2904460